Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My Children

My children's hearts live inside me.
They inspire my being, my soul and my heart.
From them I learn to be a better person
and learn to pour out Love to all people.
Eventually they will become all people to other people.

This, once again, is for them.

When the Sun does not shine
I do not miss his warm kiss
I have You.

When the Rain does not fall
I do not miss its sweet smell
I have Your Breath.

When the Snow does not melt
I do not long for the beauty it hides
I have Your Face.

When Waves do not crash on beautiful shores
I do not miss her boastful song
I have Your Laughter.

When Flower buds fall off their Mothers branches
I do not cry for their beauty
I have Your Gentle Eyes to look into.

You are enough.


  1. Beautiful... You are so talented

  2. Beautiful, you should publish a book of poetry dedicated to your children!
