A few things have been happening in my life and I'm not sure if I have the captures (photos) to capture these honest situations.
Happening One:
Recently my Jacques and myself decided that we found a home in Catholicism.
Not sure if you know this about us but we both met at a Theological seminary twelve years ago.
I was brought up as an honest baptist girl.
My Dad, having been put through Bible school and very involved in various outreach ministries, is finding this hard to come to terms with. He still loves me though.
And so are other family members.
Honestly, I want to try and write more about my conversion.
The way I feel.
The way my heart skips a beat when I hear
"Glory be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning is now and forever shall be.
World Without End."
The reverence that comes into my body, mind, soul and heart when I kneel before the Blessed Sacrament.
The deep respect I have for Mary, Mother of Jesus.
A quick note:
My love and adoration of Mary began when my Systematic Theology lecturer at Baptist College, D. Morcorm, presented her to us as "Theotokos" greek for God Carrier, 11 years ago.
More about Mary later.
Jacques and I have always taken our relationship with God beautifully; He really is knitted into our marriage and our friendship and our relationship with the Boys.
By no means am I saying that we have perfected our relationship with Him.
I mean that because we Love God and desire to know Him, to relate to Him, to draw nearer to him;
we have allowed ourselves to fall completely at His risk.
I may not be making sense, but in my heart it does.
I trust that my Life is in His hands and that He will carry me through this.
I'm not sure how you feel, or if you even understand why people would treat us differently, but I would appreciate that you comment on it.
Happening Two:
South Africans begin their new school year in January, actually most schools opened last Monday.
My Boys are homeschooled, two out of the 100 000 homeschoolers in South Africa, so only a small amount of kids being taught at home, here in ZA.
We all have a different reasons for choosing the way our children are educated.
Not sure what mine are right now, but I love them, I want them to learn all the time, and I want them to learn differently; because they are different.
This year Josh, 7, goes into Grade 3, by South African Law, it is an assessment year.
Timetables, assessments, reports and specific pages have to be submitted...
More pressure!
Funny enough, I thought that this would be the year that I would be more of a parent with him and not militant (I can be that way, I'm working through my issues, believe me its hard!).
But you know what...
I'm going to do it, this year, more fun, less pages, I'm thinking about ONLY doing the assessment pages
*Ha! shhhh don't tell!
Lijie, I'm just going to see where he ends up on a day to day basis.
He struggles with auditory processing, and remembering verbal information directly given to him.
Just so you don't get me wrong, the boy knows EVERYTHING that we teach Josh; his stuff ehh let's say he kinda gets it.
(*sigh* much patience is needed with this little number.)
Choosing a curriculum; Christian based, Country based, age appropriate or just winging it because they are your kids...its not easy.
As a homeschool Mommy, I feel like I'm always been looked at, ok, judged, for what I do or don't do. As a family we have chosen a specific way to live, and yes it changes all the time, because we grow and learn all the time, we adapt or we choose not too, in whatever way we feel. However, I'm a woman and not sure about you, but most of the time I just feel judged.
(I know I'm rambling but this is the way my mind is right now)
Happening Three:
So I want to do something.
Start something.
Sew for an income.
I'm not good yet.
But this girl can make BAGS!!
I know!
And craft a few other things.
But I want to make it a Home business.
I have decided on a name and some products.
I have to start making these things and book a table at a craft show soon.
I'm going to have to give myself some time.
So any advice would be much appreciated.
And for now, I'm just going to give you 3 Happenings.
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Lijies $1 dollar find at the SPCA shop |
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A go at a hand painted canvas for market totes |
Celebrating St Nicholas Day with cousins |
Jesse Tree, only got as far as David! |
Packing Boxes for our babies at the Shelter |
She is not a dog, she is our sister and is very much treated that way! |
Love and Light
aw what a lovely post to re-start here with. Thank you so much for sharing such a warm look into your sweet, gentle spirit. I'm very intrigued about your 'conversion' from baptist roots to Catholicism. I usually just hear the reverse coming from a Pentecostal/Brethren roots throughout my life ;o) We should carry this conversation on in e-mail ! SO eager to hear about your further crafting adventures too.. sounds exciting!
mel xx
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