Kids are playing, running around and squealing with joy.
Mommies are chatting and sipping on tea and having a good old time.
(you notice from the corner of your eye, YOUR kids are HIGH in a tree, encouraging the smaller folk to quickly pretend to otherwise, shake your head and sip sip sip sip)
Mommies are chatting about...darn it...schools!
Here goes.
"So where do yours go?"
Of course you're ALWAYS the last to answer.
"My Kids? Oh, we homeschool."
And then you brace yourself for
The Ultimate Question...
"What about Socialising Your Kids?" (hand to mouth)
M Y K I D S A R E P L A Y I N G W I T H Y O U R K I D S !!!
And aren't I here?
At the same play date that you are at??
(ok thats what I say in my head)
But really?
Redundant question right?!?
I answer in the polite way and then
Problem solved...right?!?
No, its not.
Then they continue to ask...
"So, what about extra curricular...? they can make friends there, right?"
Socialising during a Jiu Jitsu lesson?!?
That's not going to happen!
I think the coach will make them drop and give him 50.
When there are other kids around my "at home" children play, chat...ahh, socialise with them.
I don't have an issue with the question, or rather, the assumption, that "at home" children are
less socialised - because let's face it, I question and assume a whole lot of stuff.
But in the mean time.
My "at home" boys are in fact awesome, and I might be biased, but ...
I'm going to go with it.
I watch them everyday share a part of themselves and that is beautiful.
These boys have helped plant a veggie garden to feed people less fortunate than us.
They've also been helping at a shelter for the past 3 years.
They might not speak a second language...(yet).
But the language of their hearts inspires me to give more of ME.
In the end its about the quality of relationships that you have with others that form you.
In the very beginning it was just CS Lewis and his brother.
Thomas Merton often had only his Dad.
Missionary kids, back in the day, had local villagers.
Frederick Buechner.
Leonardo da Vinci.
EE Cummings and I am sure you'll be able to add to that list.
Love and Light
ps. I know that there are beautiful schools in South Africa sharing with local communities giving of themselves. This blog is NOT intended to discredit Schools, but only to credit that which must be credited.
Tuesday, is our day at the Shelter, and Teacher Kim did long and short!
In the end its about the quality of relationships that you have with others that form you.
In the very beginning it was just CS Lewis and his brother.
Thomas Merton often had only his Dad.
Missionary kids, back in the day, had local villagers.
Frederick Buechner.
Leonardo da Vinci.
EE Cummings and I am sure you'll be able to add to that list.
I believe a deepness exists in all children.
This, I feel, is just the beginning of, GOD WILLING, awesome adults.
Love and Light
ps. I know that there are beautiful schools in South Africa sharing with local communities giving of themselves. This blog is NOT intended to discredit Schools, but only to credit that which must be credited.
Tuesday, is our day at the Shelter, and Teacher Kim did long and short!
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