1. JAM (Jesus and Me) 2015 Worship Fest
Jacques and I thought we would join this Worship Fest because
a) a few of our Parish Young Adults are going to World Youth Day 2016, and we thought that we would support them and Worship with them.
b) We come from a protestant background and thought that it would be nice to lift our voices, hearts and hands high to worship the King!
We really did enjoy it and it was really nice to see young passionate people out there.
We also got to see a few nuns dancing their hearts outs!!! Which is so BEAUTIFUL!
There was an awesome line up of speakers and bands and there was confession.
We also bought a very watered down cup of coffee, Jacques made a joke and said "they obviously made these for kids!"
While it was beautiful and everything more than we expected, we both realised that as Catholics we have not really missed the type of the Worship we experienced as Protestants.
Worship has just become different for us, I guess.
There is such unrelenting joy in the Liturgy.
Every word spoken, every sin confessed, every Alleluia proclaimed, every Psalm prayed, every knee bowed and every word uttered by the Priest on our behalf is b e a u t i f u l. How great and powerful is every "The Body Of Christ" spoken by the Ministers?
I will definitely go back to a worship festival, but I will never doubt how full and beautiful the Marriage Supper of the Lamb is!
Beautiful Carmen singing at JAM |
2. First Holy Communion
89 Communicants from our Parish this year and ONE of them is our Josh!!!
So lovely to know that he will be joining us in only 2 weeks to receive The Sacrament of Sacraments. Last night they were presented to the Community and will be prayed for by everyone.
3. DIY BB Cream
On Saturday I chatted to a lovely Lady who makes and sells her own body creams and cleansers.
They are all paraben, sulphite and chemically free and are made with natural oils. She told me to add a pinch of cocoa powder to my day moisturiser and voila : BB Cream!
Ohh and the benefits of cocoa or cacao are so good! High in antioxidants which helps repair damaged skin cells. It also smells so good when its all mixed in with your regular face cream, which has its benefits too. They say smelling cocoa when you have sugar cravings helps release the same happy hormones as eating it!!!! Happy hormones and well behaved skin...FOR THE W I N!
4. Advent time!
Living a Liturgical year with a family always looks so incredibly beautiful and so many of you pull it off. I just never have gotten around to it, uhm, laziness maybe or simply hard work! Not sure. This year I am set on it, and I'm kicking it off with Advent! I may forget and mess it all up, but it really looks impressive. I also think that it may be a very nice way to learn more about our newish faith and live it! So Hip Hip Hooray to more family rosaries!!!
5. National Hormonal Hell Week
Just kidding.
Well at least around here it was!
September and October are birthday months in our home, baking and eating happen! And once you pop that clean eating membrane that so gently wraps your body in balanced hormone heaven... YOU CAN'T TURN BACK easily! Why???
I'd love to tell that I have learned my lesson and will never e v e r eat that way again but I just cannot. I was a ghast last week and emotional, bloated, pimply, angry GHAST! I am positively sure that I don't want to be that person in the near future.
6. Boys and their Kindness
While I acted very Ghast-like, my family tip toed around me and offered help, an opportunity to lie down, more SWEETS, walks, talks and loads of everything nice! They do this, it's so nice of them, they try to make me super happy! I hope they do this for their wives one day, and are not too tired out by a painful mother. Oh my husband rocks too!
7. Marriage Preparation
Our parish has asked us to help with the marriage prep course, while this may sound "not so badish", we need your prayers. It really is hard thing to speak truth and know that you will be challenged by the "world is moving" and the "Church is being left behind" debate. We will be talking on the Churches teachings on sexual ethics, sexuality, abortion, IVF, NFP and all that goes in there. Please offer up some prayers for us, so that we may have the wisdom and courage to speak truth.
Thanks for reading! Go read more Takes.
Hope everybody's week is beautiful with manageable chaos!!!
Love and Light
89 Communicants from our Parish this year and ONE of them is our Josh!!!
So lovely to know that he will be joining us in only 2 weeks to receive The Sacrament of Sacraments. Last night they were presented to the Community and will be prayed for by everyone.
Josh, Bryce, Kayden, Kiran and TK |
3. DIY BB Cream
On Saturday I chatted to a lovely Lady who makes and sells her own body creams and cleansers.
They are all paraben, sulphite and chemically free and are made with natural oils. She told me to add a pinch of cocoa powder to my day moisturiser and voila : BB Cream!
Ohh and the benefits of cocoa or cacao are so good! High in antioxidants which helps repair damaged skin cells. It also smells so good when its all mixed in with your regular face cream, which has its benefits too. They say smelling cocoa when you have sugar cravings helps release the same happy hormones as eating it!!!! Happy hormones and well behaved skin...FOR THE W I N!
Smells yum and hides a few blemishes |
4. Advent time!
Living a Liturgical year with a family always looks so incredibly beautiful and so many of you pull it off. I just never have gotten around to it, uhm, laziness maybe or simply hard work! Not sure. This year I am set on it, and I'm kicking it off with Advent! I may forget and mess it all up, but it really looks impressive. I also think that it may be a very nice way to learn more about our newish faith and live it! So Hip Hip Hooray to more family rosaries!!!
5. National Hormonal Hell Week
Just kidding.
Well at least around here it was!
September and October are birthday months in our home, baking and eating happen! And once you pop that clean eating membrane that so gently wraps your body in balanced hormone heaven... YOU CAN'T TURN BACK easily! Why???
I'd love to tell that I have learned my lesson and will never e v e r eat that way again but I just cannot. I was a ghast last week and emotional, bloated, pimply, angry GHAST! I am positively sure that I don't want to be that person in the near future.
6. Boys and their Kindness
While I acted very Ghast-like, my family tip toed around me and offered help, an opportunity to lie down, more SWEETS, walks, talks and loads of everything nice! They do this, it's so nice of them, they try to make me super happy! I hope they do this for their wives one day, and are not too tired out by a painful mother. Oh my husband rocks too!
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How do they jump for so long? |
7. Marriage Preparation
Our parish has asked us to help with the marriage prep course, while this may sound "not so badish", we need your prayers. It really is hard thing to speak truth and know that you will be challenged by the "world is moving" and the "Church is being left behind" debate. We will be talking on the Churches teachings on sexual ethics, sexuality, abortion, IVF, NFP and all that goes in there. Please offer up some prayers for us, so that we may have the wisdom and courage to speak truth.
Thanks for reading! Go read more Takes.
Hope everybody's week is beautiful with manageable chaos!!!
Love and Light
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