Linking up with
Mel from Needle and Nest today for Monday Mamologues...
So this morning I woke up ready to SLAMDUNK anyone and anything!
(Yep I do think it was the fact that I miss my time with God this morning)
After Lijie spent THIRTY minutes brushing his teeth and still not being finished.
I shouted at him and just went crazy on the poor child...
I think it was horrible for him as it was for me.
I hate scolding them and I hate getting angry.
It just ruins those moments we should be ENJOYING!
So after I climbed out the shower and tied my hair in a snazzy little bun, I stuck a faux flower in my hair and told myself I'm going to claim this day for happiness; anger, frustration and mental exhaustion step ASIDE!
I sat that Little Bump on my lap and we had a good cuddle and hug session.
Told that I should be more patient with him.
The little guy has memory loss, seriously, he is a "dreamer").
He forgets everyday things and that makes tasks really hard for him.
After hugs and kisses I announced that it was going to be a play day today, because mommy is really
hormonal irritable, and the conversation went slightly like this...
Josh: Ohhhhhh I know! Its because of your boobies right????!!!!
Me: ummmmmmm....well kind off. I just want you two to have fun today and Mommy doesn't want to ruin it for you.
Josh: Ohhhhhhhh, I understand Mommy.
Liji: And... and... and Mommy when you shouted at me in the bathroom, all I could think was "I just wanted to have a nice day today"
Me, slightly paling: Ahh Babies, I am so sorry! Lets have fun!
So we called in sick, ha, and now I can hear them bouncing HAPPILY on the trampoline and I can sip my warm milk and honey and hit the PUBLISH button.
I think I'm going to get that sewing machine out...
Mama and her Banoonies |
Love and Light