Monday, May 27, 2013

Life | Those Days

You know those days when you think -
I don't give a hoot about healthy eating!
I'm buying EVERYTHING I see today!
Who cares about being frugal ANYWAY!
today is that day for me.
But I will do none of the above and just now I will feel guilty for actually putting the above in writing!
Its just to remind me that I am human and that sometimes CS Lewis hard these moments too.
(I'm just going to go with that one.)
How else would he be inspired to write such truth then:

"Either we give up trying to be good, or else we become very unhappy indeed. For, make no mistake: if you are really going to meet all the demands made on the natural self, it will not have enough left over to live on. The more you obey your conscience, the more your conscience will demand of you. And if your natural self, which is thus being starved and hampered and worried at every turn, will get angrier and angrier. In the end you will either give up trying to be good, or else become one of those people who, as they say, "live for others" but is always in a discontented, grumbling way - always wondering why the others do not notice it more, and always making a martyr of yourself. And once you have become that you will be a far greater pest to anyone who has to live with you than you would have been if you remained frankly selfish." - Mere Christianity

He goes on to say how we need to surrender our "Natural Self" and all our inclinations of being good which we can feel are innocent, even the not so innocent ones to God, so that His will can become ours.
Natural Selves | Love my Furry Babies

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Conversion | How it all Began

After we had Elijah I decided to go onto the Mirena.
Oh the JOYS...
Really it was.
I enjoyed it, every now and then I felt ill and would want to retch.
Normal things that happen to us ladies.
(not going to get into it).

However, last year was the year for me to remove it and I REALLY wanted to replace it.
yep there is a but.
Some of you girls out there are probably thinking that I was crazy to add in the BUT.

So, in the mean time, Jacques was exploring Catholicism and listening to ALL kinds of awesome podcasts and reading all kinds of information and also chatting to a few of his Catholic friends; which included a man who was a catholic to protestant to catholic convert. Jacques has had about 4 - 5 years of dialoguing with the Catholic Church.

Last year July, while I was trying to look for recipes and extra worksheets for the kids to do, he was busy listening to a podcast Roots of Immorality: The Aftermath of the 1930 Lambeth Conference Fr. Eric Bergman
And being the wonderful husband he is, he shared and thought that I would enjoy listening to it; a christian view on contraception, before I made the decision to replace my IUD.

So I did and it totally rocked my head, the way I thought of Life.

At that point I was against abortion and I was closed to Life.
I was comfortable.
I had two Boys that were just happy, and I could NOT possibly teach another child their ABC's!
I couldn't do it.

But in God style, my ways are not His, He smacked me on the head and reminded me that only HE can speak in absolutes!

So that August I went in had the Mirena removed.
After the procedure the Dr asked what "preventative methods" had I chosen for the future.
I said "NFP."
"Uh...?? You know that you can get pregnant that way??? I suggest you go on some sort of pill?"
"I do know that I can get pregnant this way, but now I am open to Life."
She shook her head at me the same way I do when the boys have eaten a WHOLE box of smarties!

When I said it then, I did not realise that it meant Life in so many ways.

That August was the beginning of many late night, early morning, weekend long discussions/debates with Jacques. That September was the start of our RCIA classes, we were blessed to have been allowed to join half way through.

This is month 10 of our Natural Family planning. So far so good. 

I love that this began as a ProLife journey.
In so many ways!
Love & Light

Joshua Levi - 1 years Old 2006 | Reason #1 for Becoming Open to Life

Heart 2007

Elijah Daniel - 2 months old 2007  | Reason #2

Friday, May 17, 2013

Life | In Two Minds...well maybe more

So I'm a Protestant to Catholic Convert now and I have written somewhat about it here, here, here and here. I know I said that the last one was the last one on this blog and thought that maybe Jacques and I would start a conversion blog sometime. Which I hope to happen soon.

The thing that I am in two minds about is whether to continue my Catholic blogs on this site or not.
See Im not even sure what my readership and I don't even know who stumbles upon my not so widely read blog. In fact I'm not even sure what this blog is about.

The thing is I don't blog much.
But I want to.
My life is SO integrated with my Catholicism at the moment and I cannot see it being any other way in the near or far future.
That I feel that to not include it on here would be....
uhhh weird.
And empty and a kind of denial that I am not who I am.

So I think for now.
Its going to be crafting...the much that I can and know.
My Catholic Journey.
My Boys.
Our Transition from Homeschooling to Unschooling.
My Man.
Well, my stuff I guess.

I really feel inspired to write more about ALL my journeys.
Even if i whittle my readership to just my husband!

These blogs are just awesome:

Living without School
Unschooling Catholics
Atheist to Catholic Conversion
This Ain't the Lyceum
The Princess and The Goblin - George Macdonald 
Elijah considering a tree - talk abouts

Rhino - Stone Art

Living & Loving

Joshy Butt boarding with his brother to help Lijie conquer a fear for the skateboard
Love & Light

Monday, May 13, 2013

Love | Mother's Day

Last week Wedenesday Father Jonathan asked if I would share with the Community, my story on Motherhood.

So this what I shared...

Our decision to have children after 3 years of being married was purely based on the cute little bump my friend was sporting; the kid needed a friend to play with!

Once we found out we were expecting Josh, it was real, from students to parents.
It’s different from when you hold a new born to when you hold a two year old and then it feels like forever, till one day he is 5 then almost immediately 7.

And every step of the way has been so challenging, so easy, too crowded and sometimes lonely. One thing has been consistent though, love, a deep love. As a mother I find these words in Vincent van Gogh’s letter to his brother such an inspiration : Love many things, for therin lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much, performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well!

I love Mother’s day!
Not only does it remind me that I’m Yay high and a mother to 2 boys.
It also reminds me of the many mommies I have had over the years, including my own biological mother.
I look at my life and I feel so blessed at the many women God has allowed to gently seep into my heart and soul.
How often people come in and out of our lives;
one plants a thought, 
another nurtures an idea and 
somebody else comes by and encourages you to act on that reality.
How many of those women continue doing these amazing things and not realise how they have affected our hearts, our being and moulded our us?

Like the lady that taught you how to put on lipstick, because your Mom was good at playing hopscotch and climbing trees with you.
Or your friends Mom who cooked homely dinners for you, because your mom was a single Mom working hard to send you to university.
The teacher at school who helped you pass your english exam, because your mom’s first language was Zulu.
What about the lady who helped you become a better child for your Mom, because your Mom loved you unconditionally and overlooked the disrespect you showed her.
And your older sister, who helped dress you when your mom needed to pack you a lunch.
Those women that surrounded you and became your strength when your Mom passed away.
And ALL those women who have been mothers to us and share a place in our hearts in their own way.

These are the women that we need to celebrate.
These are our Mothers that are clothed in strength and dignity.
These are the women that teach us that being a mother is not just one thing.
Where one of us lacks, there are others that will help carry the weight.
These are the women who speak and act with wisdom.
These are our Mothers.
These are the women WE need to be.

They write the chapters in our life, providing boundaries that become etched in our mind, providing alternatives in situations, imitating Christ's love and Christ's eye to see us all as His children.
It is these women who cause us Daughters to become Mothers in this World.

Being a mother to your own children is a challenge.
When we choose to become Mommies, we choose to wear our hearts on our sleeves.
God chose two little boys for me.
He held me in His palm and He saw my future with Joshua and Elijah.
He probably had a good chuckle and was sometimes disappointed at my parenting.

But He still gave them to me.
Knowing that I would shout.
Knowing that I would spend more time playing with them than teaching them maths.
He knew that I would I talk to them and teach them about life the best way I knew how.
He knew the mistakes, He knew my frustration levels and He knew my sins and my struggles.
But He still blessed me with Boys that are ALWAYS gracious, kind and patient with me.

Each day is a box filled with surprises.
One day a letter of love with misspelled words or a picture of ant sized people in the form of a paper airplane. The next day walks and discussions about how the Grey go Away bird and Loerie are the same birds. Somedays are just bad and never should happen. So we rewind and start again.
But all of our days are filled with Love and Jesus our Christ.

I would like to end with a quote from a book that I am currently reading, 
For The Childrens Sake, “Look well at the Child on your knee. In whatever condition you find him, look with reverence. We can only love and serve him and be his friend. We cannot own him. He is not ours.”

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Sewing | For a better heart

I feel as though there is a deep sadness associated with the textile industry.
The recent building crashes in Bangladesh, the dehumanising work environments in certain clothing factories, cruelty to animals and a disregard for our earth.

Hello Grey Jersey Knit

I love Jersey knit and Tshirting, it's more like a cheat really! No Hems, the material rolls up into its own character...Love that! 

Pleats and all
I have also been wanting to sew a circle skirt, so I thought why not give it a go! I followed the instructions on Fickle Sense, and I chose to make a full cirlcle skirt with an elasticated waistline. It worked out, but I was not too happy about the way is bunched around my waist...story of my life.

So I decided to convert it to a dress.
These low waisted dresses were my inspiration.

My Inspiration

 I just used a tank top to cut the pattern for top part of the dress and I feel like dancing...and yes South Africans can wear tanks in the middle of Autumn...#showingoff.

I think I want to add in a lace neckline and/or hemline.

Grey Twirls make me Happy!
I think one of the ways I help myself feel better about the Textile industry, is to stitch up something in honour of those who have had their honour taken away from them.

Love and Light