Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Here in SA for His Love

It has been a wonderful time here.
We have been away for two years and back now for 6 months.
It has been joyful.

God has showered us with love, community, family and friends.
The boys are growing like little Mealie plants.

Jacques and I feel that God has placed a deep desire to be true to His Word.
We have been challenged to live in a Kingdom conscience way.
Its one thing to know how to do this but to do it is a whole different veggie patch.

In South Africa Poverty is real!
Its at every traffic light, in every home across our veld.
Its so close but such a foreign concept to my mind.

"Give us THIS day our DAILY bread," not more than we need and help us to share equally.

I am so challenged, not only by the poverty, but by our reluctance to pray for animals,
especially those close to extinction. I am challenged by what I take out of this earth vs. what I put in.
I am thinking about the clothes I buy and those that sit in my cupboard,
waiting for someone who has no choice but to wear the same thing.
I am challenged by the fact that I have resources that I can actually share.
I have water, there are those in my country that do not.
There are public toilets that my government have put in informal settlements
so that perhaps 10 families can share this ONE facility.
Most of them with the walls broken.
An average household of 4 family members has two full bathrooms.

My heart and my God tells me to do something.

This slideshow is from the past six months.
FIlled with joy, I want to share it with you. The joy that comes from it I want to share with the world.

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