Friday, June 24, 2011

Go out into this World and Love

It seems to be the in thing at the moment.
In fashion. In art. In religion. In politics. In the home.
With your friends. With your neighbors. In books. In poetry.
In photos. In cooking. In teaching.
In Life.
It’s almost like the universe is actually trying to make a point.
A difficult point at that!

When we hear about love we assume it is an easy thing.
We can do this, easy peasy.

Then you try, and the human in you kicks out the Divine and you:
give it boundaries
allow it to reach AVERAGE
punish it when it is not behaving
walk away from it when it does not understand you
turn away when it asks for food
tell it to go and work when it needs clothes
show it that it is a burden
make it believe it is an obligation
make fun of it when it tries its best
you don’t forgive it when it causes pain
try not to make amends because you do not want to seem weak.

I am not sure when showing love became a sign of weakness, but undeniably it HAS!

What have we done to this thing that God gave us his only Son for?

Which is easier?

To ask the World, that if you died today where would you go?
To ask the World, that if you died today, would you know that you had been loved by me?

Let’s be the change this World needs.


  1. Some very real challenges here to smash our narrow view of love as "whatever makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside" and open our eyes to all the opportunities God gives us for Real Love!

  2. Thanks my Love.
    Real Love here we come:)
