Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Different Year | Same (more) Nonsense

Hey Hey Hey.

A whole year has gone by and WHAT no blogging?!?!
For r e a l.

I have read and read and read and read loads of blogs though.
It's been an awesome year off;
not only with good things, 
but just awesome enough for me to enjoy, grow, learn, watch without a lens, JUST BE!

The kids are good. The hubby is awesome. 
I am blessed.

I still have hillbillies hippies.

that sleep with ONLY their heads on the bed

they also take what I have and make it theirs BEAUTIFUL

I've started sewing more and more and have plans for this...I do.

This was a wedding retinue BEFORE the auspiciousness, I love SOUTH AFRICA for this ...

We can buy art at the traffic light.

Play in old fashioned parks


Fall asleep in toy chests.

Celebrate Birthdays

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There's definitely a village of WHO's in there

We wandered

Played Some more

Durban, South Africa


Started reading more Bio's on Saints

Fell in Love again and again and again

Started shopping at thrift stores

More walks

My Pack

played more

we went to a wedding

Silly us

love and more love

what can i say

BLISS i tell You... BLISS

words fail me here

My first vote in our free elections... South Africa is a Free country for 20 years

Girls night

Just saying

My Sister came back from OZ...YAY!

Gettin more involved in Theology of the Body

Watching them pick each other in a room full of friends, makes my heart and soul MELT



He grew up way to quick! 16

Girl time!

Standing on tables this year

It going to be awesome!
Love and Light