Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Sewing | Japanese Style Books

I got my first pattern books in the mail yesterday.
(Its actually scary, cos now I HAVE to make something)

I have mentioned before that I really love the Japanese minimalist take on life.
Clothing, home decor, and approach to life, throw in some Catholicism and its perfect!

So while Jacques and I decide how to rid our lives and home of too much stuff,
I got these two books in the mail...I know more books!

So pretty!


Making pretties with scraps

My Favorite Piece

And A bag book

I love that the choice of material is Linen or Linen cotton Blends.

Can't wait!
Love & Light.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Rediscovery | Old Invites | Purple cloth

In my previous blogpost, I showed off a simple wedding invite.
While mucking about with board, spray glue and designs, 
I realised how much I actually enjoyed doing this.

So I decided to dig into my little old suitcase where I keep 
at least one mock up of something that I made.
Yep I found a whole two other jobs that I did.
(When the boys could just play and that's all the education they needed)

So I'm thinking, perhaps I could turn this into something.
Let this be my purple cloth?
What do you think?

For a wedding in 2008 

For my Brother's wedding 2009

If you are interested in my designs for the future or even in a hurry.
Let me know.
Love & Light

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Something Old & a Wedding Invite Commission

A few years back I was in advertising.
Still detoxing from it.
In the beginning it was basic layouts, then I moved into Traffic and then eventually settled in Production.
Not the life for a Mommy!


I love all things, for real.
Its just in my make up.
I sometimes like kitsch.
Sometimes I hate it.
Most of all I like minimalistic and grey!
I do heart colour and venture onto those waters...often!

A couple from church are about to wed, so they commissioned me to design an invite for them.
They are an older couple; he 76 & she 55.
Naturally they chose;
The colours;
Burnt Orange.



What do you think?

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Happiness is all things is Inspirational | 1

I finally got my beautifully designed doily earrings from Mel....*happy dance!

How can I describe this Mapley Sweet Canadian Lady?
She loves DIY's. She loves God. She loves her Ben and her two teenie tinnies!
She is just an inspiration!

We've had issues with mail being delivered before, but this time Mel left a sweet little note for the 
Mailman! And what do you know...he did!

Satsuki Shibuya, click on it and see what I mean!
Arty, functional, down to earth and beautifully minimalistic!
Deeply Inspired.

Bookhou, unique and simple designs.

And my Bubble who helps with the laundry.
Just sweet!

What's been inspiring you.
Love & Light