Friday, June 22, 2012

Homeschool: How I've lost control

I'm not sure why I homeschool.
Maybe I'm selfish and want my kids with me ALL the time.
Maybe I want all the credit for what they know.
Really I'm not sure.
I'm not fully aware of what goes on in the classrooms to use that as an excuse.

I do know that I have always wanted to homeschool.
Have fun with the boys, I know Elijah thinks its boring,
but he's 4 and therefore does not know what boring means.

We do have fun, we sometimes do the work pages assigned for the day.
Sometimes ALL we do is rush in the academics for a WHOLE week in one day,
just so we can play and build lego for the other 4 days.
We HAVE to squeeze a weeks worth of work in one day,
because we have been babysitting, driving around with Dad, bike riding,
or gone bundu bashing in our veld, volunteered at the Baby Shelter, gone grocery shopping...

So next term I'm going to try and do it the proper way...
will figure what that is and when I do, I will post!

For now, we are squeezing the last 3 pages of term 2 today...
that is if the kids arrive home early from a sleep over at their cousins.

School Room 
School Room

Lijie: Math & Number Recognition

Joshy: Math

Straw Painting


Rosebud: Our Rescue from South Korea
Love & Light

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Love the world you live in. Love yourself.

On this simple frugal adventure that I have slowly ushered my family into,
I have been doing a copious amount of reading...on the web, and therefore drinking lots of tea.
Reading blog upon blog about simple homesteading, how to what too, when too.
Ai yai yai!

So being simple, being earth minded, chemical free, and supporting fair trade, And trying not to 'buy in' on this world,
is, how can I say...
NOT EASY, neither is it cheap.
(note too self, frugal does not equal cheap!)

It all started a long time ago, with certain meat products.
How animals were being treated and kept? What they had been fed? What they had been forced to do?
From there it got to the people who cared for them.
To my clothes; What kind of environment its being made in? Is there fair trade, slave labor, fingers being cut off because of hectic production deadlines???
And then I started thinking about the impact the shipping was having on clothes being brought here from China, and on top of that, we have a huge unemployment rate in South Africa and how all of this impacts the Christ in me.

Yes it does.
It becomes spiritual.
It pulsates in your heart to think that everything has some sort of chain; a life cycle of some sort.
Considering all of creation.
How Sunflowers look towards the sun.
We should be doing the same.
Looking toward the Son.

Psalm 8

Lord, our Lord,How majestic is Your name in all the earth,Who have displayed Your splendor above the heavens!From the mouth of infants and nursing babes
You have established strength
Because of Your adversaries,To make the enemy and the revengeful cease.When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers,
The moon and the stars, which You have ordained;What is man that You take thought of him,
And the son of man that You care for him?Yet You have made him a little lower than God,
And You crown him with glory and majesty!You make him to rule over the works of Your hands;
You have put all things under his feet,All sheep and oxen,
And also the beasts of the field,The birds of the heavens and the fish of the sea,
Whatever passes through the paths of the seas.Lord, our Lord,
How majestic is Your name in all the earth!

Free Range Beef, mushrooms in homemade yoghurt with roasted new potatoes &Garlic cloves
Eating small portions of free range meat means affordability, we also eat meat once a week.

Winter Peas, grown from Heirloom seeds sold at livingseeds. These seeds are sustainable. 
Living Seeds provides homeless people with jobs.
They do not use chemicals on their land, produce heirloom plants, which means, seeds for as long as you can cultivate them, it is not a one crop seed. (Very important for Africans)

Homemade chemical free beauty products
Our Shampoo and Conditioner is a made in South Africa, mainly from plant derivitives.
The brand is Earth Sap, it is one of the cheaper and more affordable natural ranges.
(Our grey water runs into a veld, which is considered conservation land, so we try not to put in any unnatural substances)

We make our own toothpaste, courtesy of Bonzaiaphrodite.

I use Apple Cider Vinegar to condition my hair, I got this from FIMBY

I am 30 years old and still struggle with Acne so I make a mixture of Apple Cider Vinegar and Organic Avocado Oil as a facial tonic/moisturiser...its a bit smelly for the first 5 minutes, but over the past two weeks its made a difference!

Organic Fairtrade Coffee (not the instant kind) and Avocado Oil as a facial scrub.

Epsom salts, water and Jojoba oil as a leave in hair spray for my curly hair.

My hair with the homemade chemical free hair spray for Curly Hair

The kids are trying to adjust to the toothpaste, Josh says its like a bomb in his mouth!!! I'm not going to lie it is!
Love and Light

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I love a good book and I can so read into a bad book, but is there such a thing as a bad book?
Jacques, my darling husband, is a reader and so are my kids and myself.
So we fit in with each other.
I guess you can say we belong.
The thing is not only do I love books with words in, I also love ones with lines, blank pages, little ones with chinese sayings translated into english with Google Translate, you know those ones!
Its awful because I really love trees too!

I love the tangible worlds of Lewis' Sci-Fi trilogy.
Or that moment when we read to the boys and they scrunch up close to see and hear.
Or that moment when I hold my husband's hand and say the blessing at the end of our morning prayers.
What about that pencil crayon scratch, when the boys bring their imagination to life.
There's something in books that brings Life to Life.

Books I'm reading

I have found a new hobby...
covering books and stitching sweet things on.
I sold a few of these at our church craft market...yay for pocket money!
I have also designed a scribbler for kids which sold before I could capture.
I will post some pics when I have designed more.

Hand covered journals

Thanks for stopping by...
Love & Light